The original manga, Kuso Miso Technique, originally published in 1987, and Otokogari (Men Hunting), 1983, were two one-shot manga written by Junichi Yamakawa (山川純一)for the Japanese Gay Adult magazine, Barazoku「薔薇族」(ばらぞく).
But why did such an older manga take off in Japan? And why did it get an anime adaption?!
And an UNCENSORED BL?! You mean no shadow d*** in this one?!
You can uncovering one mystery of Japanese Gay Culture is at your fingers tips… if you keep reading!
Junichi Yamakawa Collection
Japanese Gay Magazine “Barazoku“
Getting its start in the 1970s, Barazoku (meaning “vow made between men under the horse”) was a magazine dedicated to the gay community and the first of its kind in Japan. It was a magazine aimed at Japan’s gay population and includes light adult content, as well as more explicit material, such as Junichi Yamakawa‘s gay manga titles. After being one of Junichi Yamakawa‘s manga panels were used online, it grew extremely popular in the Japanese LGBT and frequently meme’d online.
The name Barazoku is said to be inspired by Greek mythology, specifically the story of the Trojan Horse. Due to Helen’s unparalleled beauty and the fear of internal conflict, the Greek men supposedly took a vow “under the horse” to protect Helen and her future husband.
But a 1970s manga… a meme? Don’t worry, we’re pretty sure you’ve seen one of the memes before…
The Journey to Meme!
※やらないか, or Yaranaika, meaning “Wanna fuck?” in the Tinder kind of swipe to the right in the middle of a park in the mid-1970s.
Kuso Miso Technique
This manga gained fame in Japan when it was posted on the online image board platform Futaba Channel, generating a buzz that eventually spread to 2chan, often compared to a Japanese version of Reddit—nearly 10 years after its initial release!
Faces and lines from one of the manga’s main characters became the center of memes and jokes in online communities.
“Uho! That’s a good anime…”
A famous meme’d line from the manga
Junichi Yamakawa‘s famous title, Kuso Miso Technique, which became an internet meme, has been given an animated remake. This collection begins with the title that started what was called the “Yamajun Boom,” Kuso Miso Technique, while also bringing his other work, Otokogari (Men Hunting), completely to life!
※[Kuso] means “shit” in Japanese. Junichi’s famous title refers to a Japanese joke where miso and shit look very similar.
Episode 1
About Kuso Miso Technique
Masaki Michishita, a gay boy attending a preparatory school, finds himself having the urge to pee. He races to the nearest toilet that happens to be in a park, famous for being a gay meet-up spot. He notices Takakazu Abe sitting on a bench in the park and without thinking he says, “Uho! That’s a good man…” As they stare at each other, Takakazu starts unzipping his blue jumpsuit…
Episode 2
Otokogari (Men Hunting)
Police Officer Yusuke Hinata was tracking down a serial killer who had killed several people at a nearby park. All the victims were males. The death of each victim was blood loss due to anal fissures, suggesting the killer the same. While Yusuke is desperate to find the killer, his older brother Ryoji, whom he lives with, is ordered to transfer by his work…
© Yamakawa Junichi/Bungaku Ito×studioLEO
Don’t worry, more where that came from!
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